We will hug again...
in the meantime let's stay connected
Virtual Tango Encuentro - MONDAYS 8-9PM

Virtual Tango Encuentro - every other MONDAY at 8-9PM (EST)
Join Marcelo Gutierrez, Ciko, Tanik, and Adam Hoopengardner for a new class online
In an effort to continue working, maintain the tango community, and keep everyone connected. It’s a good reason to get together as a community, do something productive and something that pushes us forward together!
You can attend individually or sign up for both lessons.
We will be discussing 2 different videos and focus on one every session
We will breakdown and study some videos of different professionals with different styles and learn some of their magic.
What we work on will be based on you sharing what you like and what you want... We want you to learn from each other as much as from us.
It will be a visual, interactive and physical experience, yes we will move as well as communicate :)
There’s 3 requirements:
1- have fun and learn
2- watch the videos we send before the class time
(And if you’d like to refer to them have them open on another device that you aren’t using zoom on during the class)
3- pre-register : email us and then venmo/paypal
Once you register we will send you the videos.
Minimum Suggested Donation $15/ class
PAyPal or Venmo adamandciko@gmail.com
Please indicate which class date you are registering for
*if your income has been affected by Covid19 and you cannot afford this pricing please contact us privately.