We will hug again...
in the meantime let's stay connected and keep working !
DJ / Music Appreciation Series

Feedback from the first DJ Lecture -
"Adam I really enjoyed your DJ lecture & wish I had heard it when I was starting to DJ a couple years ago.
The overview you presented was more concise & of a higher quality than anything I’ve read online from other sources.
You mentioned someone saying “it’s hard to be a bad DJ,” & I believe if someone followed through on what you said they could immediately be a good DJ"
- Craig Herrington Cleveland Ohio
Mondays 8pm - 9:30pm ON PAUSE
Each week we will focus on a different topic
What are the essentials? Well, for a DJ it is knowing what sort of equipment to use and how to use it.
For someone wanting to learn more about the music it's about understanding who are the BIG 4?
What makes them the BIG 4?
How to organize your tango library?
Tricks for optimizing the sound quality.
-Each class will be approximately one hour with a 30 minute Q&A after.
-Each class will come with a CLASS PACKET ahead of time giving you some things to think about to prepare ahead of time.
-We will also have homework after each class and at times will require you to team up with others from the class.
-I will also be sending a video or audio recording from interviews I am currently doing with DJ's from around the world who I think have really great styles and they will share their processes and stories with us.
- I will record each class and upload them to YouTube so you can access them anytime for reference
Classes are $15 suggested donation.
Please let me know if you plan to take the class by the Saturday before so I can send out any information and the Zoom contact.
If you can not afford to pay or are using your money to help others right now that's fine just email me so I know to get you the information.
You can send payments or just let me know you are coming at:
ahoopengardner@hotmail.com via PayPal or Venmo